A lot has happened in my life recently to get me thinking. Sometimes life changes can be a catalyst in forward motion. The thing about a catalyst is that it only gets you in motion, it doesn't guarantee anything. People say that they want to change something about themselves or their situation every day. The hard part is action. Someone recently brought to my attention that saying you want to change and actually wanting to change are two different things altogether. I've seen it time and time again in the relationships with my friends and loved ones. The problem is sometimes people think they don't have what it takes to enact any sort of change in their life. They think that they have a desire to be different, to be better, but stay in the same patterns and routines. While I know there can be emotional or mental complications, it seems that the only way to change is to start changing. Small steps must be made every day to trigger a change of mind, of pace, of environment....
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